Aaron International
8 Tower Brg 161 Washington St 11th Fl Conshohocken, PA 19428 US
The Aaron Group of Companies
Telephone: 610-940-0800
Fax: 610-940-0132
Product Catagories: 0
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Business Type:
Business Segments:
Company Personnel: 19
- Gene Aaron: Chmn.
- Dick O'Brien: V. Chmn.
- Eduardo Porta: Pres.
- Brent Aaron: E.V.P.
- Drew Aaron: E.V.P.
- Mindy Aaron: Sec. Treas.
- Al Gerrard: Dir. Oper.
- Franco D'Orazio: Dir. Credit
- Mark Speiser: Dir. Fin.
- Julie Hirsch: Dir. Corp. Communications
- Jean Faulkner: Dir. Cash Applications
- Kathy Mamrosch: Dir. Logistics
- Rosa Frank: Dir. Claims
- Melissa Friend: Dir. Cust. Svc.
- Wendy Fritz: Dir. Cust. Svc.
- Megan Dougherty: Dir. Cust. Svc.
- Ann Marie Hinett: Dir. Cust. Svc.
- Lynn Delaney: Dir. Cust. Svc.
- Heather D'Andrea: Corp. Coord.